Will You Comply?

It is the year 2030. I own nothing, I borrow only what I need, I have no privacy; and life has never been better
8 Predictions for the World in 2030. Ida Auken - Word Economic Forum
Most people have a strong suspicion of a ruling class who runs the world from the shadows. What many do not realize is this invisible government is nothing new. It has existed for thousands of years. In fact, it can be traced as far back as the eighth century BC. The names may change, but their charter remains the same. It is worth noting that this ruling class did not always hide in the shadows, and they are now stepping back into the light - as is evidenced by the opening quote of this article. (If you want to know more about the invisible government, then see my other blog article The Illusion of Freedom).
Before continuing, I should point out that not everyone who is rich participates in the elite ruling class. Those who are not ultra-rich, and even the upper middle class, may benefit from the policies of the elite in the short-term, but it is only the ultra-rich who attend this club. Additionally, not all the participants of this invisible government communicate with each other. Though many do coordinate their efforts, as with the Bilderberg Group, the invisible government of the elite is an organic movement. The majority of the elite focus their resources on similar goals for two reasons:
1 - The direction in which they move serves their mutual interests.
2 -They have the money needed to manipulate the media and social machinery required to change the opinions and thoughts of the masses.
The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses. To advertise on a scale which will reach fifty million persons is expensive. To reach and persuade the group leaders who dictate the public's thoughts and actions is likewise expensive. - Edward Bernays
How the Elite Think
The most important lesson you can take from this blog is that the elite are not who they say they are. Many of the ultra-rich will jet set around the world promoting foundations of love, tolerance, and charity. Sadly, this is a cover. In fact, the primary benefit of a foundation is to avoid paying taxes. Yep. Our politicians, and even the ultra-rich, always complain that taxes must be raised for the rich. This results with the people backing an increase in income tax that will, in the end, tax only the working class. Let me make one thing clear, the ultra-rich do not pay any personal taxes. In fact, they go out of their way to set up trusts and foundations to avoid paying any tax at all. So, the next time you hear the altruistic musings from organizations like the Gates Foundation, the Koch Foundation, or the Clinton Foundation; remember that these foundations are there solely to keep their namesakes from paying their fair share.
Want to get into the mind of the ultra-rich? Then you are in luck. After interviewing wealth mangers of the ultra-rich for nearly a decade, Brooke Harrington, of the Copenhagen Business School, reported the following to the Guardian:
Many of the ultra-rich even present themselves as homeless - for tax purposes - despite owning multiple residences. For the ultra-rich, having no fixed residence provides major legal and financial advantages.
Most of my clients believe that they are descended from the pharaohs, and that they were destined to inherit the earth.
If I ever become like some of our clients, shoot me. Because they are really immoral people – too much time on their hands, and all the money means they have no limits.
The ultra-rich not only have wealth managers but often dedicated staff members who kill negative stories about them in the media and keep their names off the Forbes 'rich list.'
Have you ever wondered why too much money is never enough for the ultra-rich? No matter how much wealth they accrue, they always want more. The dirty little secret is that they are terror-stricken by the thought of becoming just like us. After a lifetime of controlling the masses with unbridled power and privilege, the thought of becoming one of the masses is terrifying to them. The more money they get, then the more control they have, and the more permeant becomes their station in life.
Rags to Riches
Many of the ultra-rich who are publicly vocal love spreading stories of how they started with nothing and built empires. Luckily, there is still enough opportunity in the United States for real rags to riches stories. When it comes to the ultra-rich, however, most of these are urban legends.
Bill Gates
I remember once reading how Bill Gates took residence in his small office to make ends meet while trying to grow his struggling company. The truth is that Bill Gates was born into an ultra-rich, and ultra-connected, family. His father (Bill Gates Sr.) ran one of the world's largest law firms. Gates Sr. was also deeply involved with politics, and he is known to have supported the eugenics movement prior to World War II.
Gates mother, Mary Maxwell Gates, was a powerful banker and political activist. In 1980, Mary Maxwell Gates used her political connections to arrange a meeting between her son and IBM, whose success was built largely on government subsidized research. During this meeting, Gates sold IBM the MS-DOS operating system (known as PC-DOS on IBM systems). The problem was that Gates did not write or own the code that would later be known as MS-DOS. Instead, he knew from where he could steal it. At the time, IBM was in talks with Gary Kildall's company, Digital Research Inc., to purchase the CP/M operating system. After the deal was inked, Gates purchased a version software similar to CP/M, which was believed to contain pirated code from Gary Kildall's CP/M. Gates called this software MS-DOS and provided it to IBM. Later, Gates company would launch the Windows operating system, which was stolen from Apple, who stole it from Xerox. They weren't called the pirates of silicon valley for nothing folks.
Jeff Bezos
If you have not heard the popular narrative, then allow me to fill you in. It is said that Jeff Bezos was born to poor parents and ran Amazon.com out of his garage. It is true that Jeff was born to poor parents. However, at the age of four, Jeff was adopted by his step father Miquel Bezos. Not too much is known about Miquel. Some sources say he was a poor Cuban immigrant who could not speak English and immigrated to the United States shortly before marrying Jeff's mother. Other sources say that he was an engineer who worked for Exxon. My theory (of which I have no hard evidence) is that Bezos father was a rich oil executive. How else could he afford to give Jeff $250,000 in 1995 to start Amazon.com? Let us remember that $250,000 in 1995 is equivalent to half-a-million dollars today. I don't know about you, but my middle-class family did not have the equivalent of half-a-million dollars. I also do not know any 'poor immigrants' or 'engineers' who have the earning power to gift their children half-a-million dollars.
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg claims he came from middle-class roots, but if you take a closer look, then this story does not hold water. First of all, Zuckerberg attended Harvard, which costs upwards of $80,000 per year - not including dorm fees. Additionally, Zuckerberg's family gifted him $100,000 (worth about $160,000 today) to start Facebook. As in the case of Bezos, I do not know of any middle class family that could afford $100,000/year for college and, in addition, gift $160,000. Zuckerberg's accomplishments are just as thin. Facebook was nothing new. The first Facebook was Harvard's internal directory platform for students. The idea for commercializing Facebook was that of the Winklevoss brothers - two fellow students. The Winklevoss legally contracted Zuckerberg to code (program) their vision for a commercial version of Facebook. When the programming was complete, Zuckerberg took $100,000 from his parents and launched the platform on his own.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos (both soon to be trillionaires) continue to run neck in neck in the race to be the richest man in the world. Having been born to a rich family in apartheid South Africa, Musk is the quintessential poster boy for privilege. As with Gates and Zuckerberg, the Musk story is that of family wealth and the appropriation of intellectual property. Musk likes to claim that he created Paypal. This is not true because Paypal was a joint effort. Furthermore, Musk was subsequently dismissed as the CEO of Paypal for his poor performance. Musk also claims he started EBay. This too is not true: Musk's name was simply listed as one of the sellers when EBay purchased Paypal. Musk did not even work for Paypal at the time. If you think that Musk's greatest accomplishment is Tesla, then think again. Tesla was started in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. As a venture capitalist, Musk bought his way into the company with 6.5 million dollars in 2004.
The Fall of Rome
Before we can understand the concept of feudalism, we must take a trip back to the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was the most successful empire in history, and it stood the test of time for nearly two millennia. Like today, the Roman Empire was run by a wealthy class of elitists, known as the patricians. Patricians owned both land and slaves, and they were the only class allowed to vote and participate in government. The other classes of Rome were the plebeians, a.k.a. the working class, and the slaves. Regardless of the inequalities, the Roman Empire was one of the safest places in the world. All Roman citizens could live and travel in relative safety due to a vast network of roads and the Roman laws of protection. As with all empires, government corruption, balkanization, and conversion to a fiat currency lead to Rome’s downfall, which ushered in the dark ages (476 AD to 1,000 AD).
The Dark Ages were so named due to the collapsed world economy and outright lawlessness that followed the fall of Rome. To make matters worse, it is believed that a comet struck the Earth and caused a nuclear winter, which lead to a great famine. So, the Dark Ages many have actually been “dark.”
The Rise of Feudalism
Feudalism is an economic system that became established early in the Dark Ages. For all its bad press, feudalism served to stabilize the European economy, promote agriculture, and overcome famine. There were no property rights in the feudal system. Instead, all the land belonged to the king. In order to have an army, and an agricultural system for trade and to feed the masses, a king would divide his lands into agricultural estates known as manors. These manors were given to the Nobles (the elite class of the time) in return for military service. The manors were worked by serfs – the working class at the time – who were legally bound to work the land. In return for their labor, the serfs were allowed to live on the land. In essence, feudalism copied the Roman economic system, albeit on a smaller scale:
Only the rich own property, and everyone else rents
Emperor = King
Patricians = Nobles
Slaves = Serfs
The Fall of Feudalism
The feudal system started to crack when, to the dismay of the elites, England, and France (the two most powerful nations in Europe) entered into a 100-year war. You see, under Rome, the elites got to control the world, which was the Roman empire. After the fall of Rome, the feudal system was no longer worldwide but a national enterprise. As a result, the elites could only control the populous within their own countries. Over time, the war demanded larger military forces than the nobles could provide. As a result, feudal laborers were drafted, which both undermined the feudal system and provided commoners with weapons and skill. When the war ended, and the population waned as a result of the black plague, the newly emboldened serfs revolted. This forced the kings to abolish serfdom and recognize individual rights. Sadly, even without feudal law binding them to a lifetime of labor, the former serfs continued to work as slaves in order to procure food and shelter. So, there remained an overt elite class and an overt slave class. The ruling elite did not go into hiding until individual rights were cemented by the American and French revolutions (a.k.a. the second serf revolution). Both these revolutions, and the republics they spawned, struck a huge blow to the power of the elite ruling class.
Rise of the New Feudal Society
Since then, the elites have worked behind the scenes to doom economies, spark racial tensions, and create the illusion of class warfare. The elites learned from the mistakes of the past. They know national feudalism can be threatened; so, like the Roman Empire, the new feudalism must be a worldwide enterprise. Due to the war effort, serfs revolted in the Middle Ages because they were armed and educated. No such mistake will be made with the new feudal society. Instead, our educational system and social media are designed to mold and indoctrinate us to embrace the concept of slavery. This indoctrination will be cemented deeper with each new generation, until we gleefully walk down the path to serfdom while chanting buzz words like sustainability, social justice, and safety. Thanks to advances in both psychology and technology, the elites have tools at their disposal unlike anything of the past. Once private property is no longer a right, and everything is rented, the elites will have total control and cancel from society anyone who is not with the program.
The New Feudalism is the Old Feudalism
At the start of this article, Ida Auken of the World Economic Forum states that in 2030, people will own nothing, borrow only what they need, and have no privacy. She infers that instead of owning property, people will rent everything they need. Of course, Ms. Auken is being disingenuous when she uses the word ‘people.’ If nobody owns property and everyone rents, then from whom do they rent? What she meant to say is that the elites will own property and everyone else will rent. This is no different than feudalism. In fact, it is feudalism in its purest form.
How Do We Stop the New Feudalism?
There is a battle for your mind. Past experience taught the elites that educated, and well armed serfs are the biggest threat to their power base. Therefore, it is only through knowledge that we can fight back. This will not be easy, and it will require some hardship, because much of the damage is already done. Nonetheless, it is possible to thwart this master plan and have a truly free society spring from the ashes. To that end, you can do your part by sharing this blog and being vocal about the concepts presented here and in part two.
The Elite’s Plan
The elite have a specific plan to usher in feudalism and have us accept it with open arms. In part two of this series, I delve into the details of this plan and why the elites have brazenly pushed up their timeline. Part two is available as exclusive content to members of the Be Strong and Happy website. Membership is free of charge and free of SPAM, so what are you waiting for? Join Now.
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